You may have heard the term “white label” thrown around the business community. What is it? Does every business use it? Can it help your company grow?
To answer those questions: Let’s unpack it here, yes, and yes. When taking advantage of white labeling, you can increase and improve your company’s exposure to potential customers.
Unconvinced? You will be when you are done reading.
What is White Labeling?
It is best to divide the multi-faceted meaning white labeling has. Depending on how it is implemented, it can have to very different definitions, but ultimately mean the same. What is being discussed here is “white label SEO.”
You want to expand the reach of your business.

More eyes on your products and more traffic to the website. How would you go about doing that? Not sharing it to your friends and family, that is for sure. Not enough traffic there!
No, what you need is “SEO,” otherwise known as “search engine optimization.” It is the practice of creating digital marketing to drive the presence of your website up the search engine ladder.

The better your internet marketing is, the more likely your website will show up when someone makes a relevant search inquiry in a search engine.
Traditionally, a company creates a product, patents it, and it’s theirs. White labeling allows for one company to create a product and let others slap their own logo onto it, and tout it as their own. Yes, it is perfectly legal. That same content applies to SEO content as well; otherwise known as “outsourcing SEO” or “private SEO reseller.”
Why You Should Use Outsourced SEO
In other words, you are seeking out SEO content through outsourced SEO reseller programs.

You did not create the content in-house, but rather through another company, to which you are then given the rights to use as you please. Ghostwriting, for example, is a form it can take.
Why you should use outsourced SEO where applicable, is due to cost. Hiring an individual with the specialized credentials for creating SEO content can cost a pretty penny.

Those specialists do not come cheap, simply because of how valuable their service is. A good SEO content creator and marketer can drive serious traffic to your site.
Loyal Employee or SEO Reseller?
For a new business owner, or one that needs to tighten the pocket book, picking the right outsource SEO reseller plan can be incredibly advantageous.

It allows a business to take advantage of SEO content creation without the need to support an entire team of marketers. There is a give and take, however.
For starters, an SEO reseller is not as loyal to your brand as you may want. Yes, SEO reseller agencies can offer top-notch content, but there is also the possibility the creator isn’t particularly invested in your business. It’s an unlikely scenario, but one you should be aware of.
That is where having an in-house SEO content creator has its upsides.

Sure, you are paying their salary directly, but the right income can keep them doing their work in a meaningful way. A happy SEO content creator can make you a happy person–especially if they’re driving beneficial traffic to the website. In other words: your employee has a vested interest in keeping your website alive and well, or else their job is on the line.
When you are starting out, it is up to you to determine what you need.

If you have the capitol to invest in an SEO specialist, it is worth the hassle. If not, then an SEO reseller can be just as good, so long as you aim to invest in an in-house employee down the road.
You want to expand the reach of your business.

More eyes on your products and more traffic to the website. How would you go about doing that? Not sharing it to your friends and family, that is for sure. Not enough traffic there!
No, what you need is “SEO,” otherwise known as “search engine optimization.” It is the practice of creating digital marketing to drive the presence of your website up the search engine ladder.

The better your internet marketing is, the more likely your website will show up when someone makes a relevant search inquiry in a search engine.
Traditionally, a company creates a product, patents it, and it’s theirs. White labeling allows for one company to create a product and let others slap their own logo onto it, and tout it as their own. Yes, it is perfectly legal. That same content applies to SEO content as well; otherwise known as “outsourcing SEO” or “private SEO reseller.”
Why You Should Use Outsourced SEO
In other words, you are seeking out SEO content through outsourced SEO reseller programs.

You did not create the content in-house, but rather through another company, to which you are then given the rights to use as you please. Ghostwriting, for example, is a form it can take.
Why you should use outsourced SEO where applicable, is due to cost. Hiring an individual with the specialized credentials for creating SEO content can cost a pretty penny.

Those specialists do not come cheap, simply because of how valuable their service is. A good SEO content creator and marketer can drive serious traffic to your site.
Loyal Employee or SEO Reseller?
For a new business owner, or one that needs to tighten the pocket book, picking the right outsource SEO reseller plan can be incredibly advantageous.

It allows a business to take advantage of SEO content creation without the need to support an entire team of marketers. There is a give and take, however.
For starters, an SEO reseller is not as loyal to your brand as you may want. Yes, SEO reseller agencies can offer top-notch content, but there is also the possibility the creator isn’t particularly invested in your business. It’s an unlikely scenario, but one you should be aware of.
That is where having an in-house SEO content creator has its upsides.

Sure, you are paying their salary directly, but the right income can keep them doing their work in a meaningful way. A happy SEO content creator can make you a happy person–especially if they’re driving beneficial traffic to the website. In other words: your employee has a vested interest in keeping your website alive and well, or else their job is on the line.
When you are starting out, it is up to you to determine what you need.

If you have the capitol to invest in an SEO specialist, it is worth the hassle. If not, then an SEO reseller can be just as good, so long as you aim to invest in an in-house employee down the road.

You did not create the content in-house, but rather through another company, to which you are then given the rights to use as you please. Ghostwriting, for example, is a form it can take.
Why you should use outsourced SEO where applicable, is due to cost. Hiring an individual with the specialized credentials for creating SEO content can cost a pretty penny.

Those specialists do not come cheap, simply because of how valuable their service is. A good SEO content creator and marketer can drive serious traffic to your site.
Loyal Employee or SEO Reseller?
For a new business owner, or one that needs to tighten the pocket book, picking the right outsource SEO reseller plan can be incredibly advantageous.

It allows a business to take advantage of SEO content creation without the need to support an entire team of marketers. There is a give and take, however.
For starters, an SEO reseller is not as loyal to your brand as you may want. Yes, SEO reseller agencies can offer top-notch content, but there is also the possibility the creator isn’t particularly invested in your business. It’s an unlikely scenario, but one you should be aware of.
That is where having an in-house SEO content creator has its upsides.

Sure, you are paying their salary directly, but the right income can keep them doing their work in a meaningful way. A happy SEO content creator can make you a happy person–especially if they’re driving beneficial traffic to the website. In other words: your employee has a vested interest in keeping your website alive and well, or else their job is on the line.
When you are starting out, it is up to you to determine what you need.

If you have the capitol to invest in an SEO specialist, it is worth the hassle. If not, then an SEO reseller can be just as good, so long as you aim to invest in an in-house employee down the road.

It allows a business to take advantage of SEO content creation without the need to support an entire team of marketers. There is a give and take, however.
For starters, an SEO reseller is not as loyal to your brand as you may want. Yes, SEO reseller agencies can offer top-notch content, but there is also the possibility the creator isn’t particularly invested in your business. It’s an unlikely scenario, but one you should be aware of.
That is where having an in-house SEO content creator has its upsides.

Sure, you are paying their salary directly, but the right income can keep them doing their work in a meaningful way. A happy SEO content creator can make you a happy person–especially if they’re driving beneficial traffic to the website. In other words: your employee has a vested interest in keeping your website alive and well, or else their job is on the line.
When you are starting out, it is up to you to determine what you need.

If you have the capitol to invest in an SEO specialist, it is worth the hassle. If not, then an SEO reseller can be just as good, so long as you aim to invest in an in-house employee down the road.